As a believer, one of your greatest responsibilities is to build up other believers. God has called you to make disciples; to move believers along in their faith. So how do you do that? I think the first step is to know where they're at. One way to know this is to label them. There are many labels we can use, but I want to keep it simple, so here are four. Unbeliever New Believer Mature Believer Laborer or Leader Let's try this out. Who is the first person you think of when you think of someone in your church? Write their name down. Now how would you label them using one of the above four labels? Let's do it again. This time instead of thinking of a person and then labeling them, pick a label and then identify someone in your church that matches that label. Really, for these labels to have any value it is important that you determine how you can move someone from one position to another. Recently, I led a young man to Christ. We met after church. He had some great ques...
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